Case studies
Next-generation robotics developed with our partners
Here are some remarkable examples of the robotic technology we have developed in collaboration with our customers and technological partners.
We aim to create new value by combining Panasonic Group’s own technology with the technology of our partners.
Case studies
WHILL NEXT 【partner company × Panasonic Group】

WHILL,Inc., a manufacturer of next-generation personal mobility devices, collaborated with Panasonic to develop this safe and comfortable robotic device for carrying people, which combines Panasonic Group’s safety and autonomous mobility technology with the high drivability and advanced design of WHILL’s next generation personal mobility devices. In the future, we aim to create robotic devices that can carry not only people, but also things, as well as to enhance convenience by developing robotic technology that works in coordination with social infrastructure.
Tomato harvesting robot 【customer × Panasonic Group】

To solve labor shortages at the point of production on plantations, we collaborated with a plantation to develop robots that can replace people who do difficult farmwork using Panasonic Group’s robotic technology.
In the future, we aim to develop a one-stop solution that can handle all aspects of harvesting tomatoes, including determining when to harvest, picking and the full remainder of the process.
Resyone, a robot that helps users get out of bed 【customer × Panasonic Group】

Transferring patients from a bed to a wheelchair is a great burden on nursing staff. In order to solve this problem, we collaborated with nursing facilities to develop a groundbreaking new concept using Panasonic Group’s robotic technology that integrates the bed and wheelchair into one unit. Our robot makes it easier for patients who require intensive nursing to rise from bed and reduces the burden on nursing staff.
Project introduction
WRS 2018 Future Convenience Store Challenge Project 【university × Panasonic Group】

A team consisting of Ritsumeikan University, the Nara Institute of Science and Technology and Panasonic Group worked together to develop high-performance robotics combining Panasonic Group’s robotic technology with cutting edge robotic technology based on academic research.
Profiles of the robotics engineers

Research Associate Professor, Emergent Systems Laboratory,
College of Information Science and Engineering,
Department of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
Dr. Gustavo Garcia

Research Assistant Professor, Emergent Systems Laboratory,
College of Information Science and Engineering,
Department of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
Dr. Lotfi El Hafi

Principal Engineer, Robotics Promotion Office,
Manufacturing Innovation Division,
Panasonic Holdings Corporation
Masaki Yamamoto